What do you think of these insane double rifles?

Over the last few months, William Larkin Moore & Sons has posted some of the finest vintage double rifles I’ve ever seen. There’s quite a range of them, including these two droplock Westley Richards with a ton of killer original condition:

.577 Nitro Express WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Ejector, Mfg 1903,
.577 Nitro Express WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Ejector, Mfg 1903,

From the massive, like this side-by-side .577 Nitro Express WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Ejector, Mfg 1903. An elephant stomper like this can generate 7,010 Ft-lbf of punch with a 750-gr bullet — KABoom! Compare that to a .30-06, which generates 2,981Ft-lbf of smack with a 220-gr bullet.

WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Express .303 Savage Cased in Orig O&L case, Mfg 1907 Near new all original condition
WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Express .303 Savage Cased in Orig O&L case, Mfg 1907 Near new all original condition

To the mid-size, like this WESTLEY RICHARDS Deluxe Droplock Express .303 Savage Cased in Orig O&L case, Mfg 1907 Near new all original condition. With it’s lightweight, his double rifle would be perfect for deer hunting here in the States. And since it’s not a dangerous-game gun, the single trigger is just fine.

JOHN DICKSON & SON Round Body Sidelever Express .577 3" BPE Cased
JOHN DICKSON & SON Round Body Sidelever Express .577 3″ BPE Cased

The collection WLM is selling also contains stuff like super rare SxS rifle: JOHN DICKSON & SON Round Body Sidelever Express .577 3″ BPE Cased. To date, Dickson has made around 2,000 Round Action guns. Of these, fifteen have been double rifles and two have been .577s. And the one you see here is in fantastic condition. Special? You bet.

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition

And this ‘friggin oddball OU. It’s a WW GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition. This rifle is just weird, and I can’t imagine why it was ever built. No one I know has seen another like it, and I bet it’s a one-off. On top of that, it looks new. So whoever ordered in back in 1886 never bothered to hunt with it. Maybe once they got it they realized how odd it was and decided they would take something else to Africa.

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