What-the-what? A 12g W.W. Greener OU hammer rifle …

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition

The OU rifle you see here is an oddball, a freak and weirdo. Of course, I would love to own it. Built in 1886, it’s breechloading British OU hammer rifle — the only one I’ve ever seen or hear about.

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition

Hammerless over-under rifles aren’t uncommon. I’ve seen a number by Belgian and German makers and some British makers built them, too — including Boss.

According to the seller, this gun was made in 1886. That’s twenty-three years before Boss & Co patented their OU shotgun (1909), and even before Merkel started building their “Bock” hammerless OUs in the 1890s.

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition

At close to 14.75bls, it’s a beast of a gun. I’m not sure what it was made to hunt — Cape Buffalo?, Rhinos? — but judging by its condition, it never made it into the field to do it.

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition: Serial # 35494, Barrel Length: 25″ Damascus barrels, Triggers:  DT (Double), Forearm Type: Lever release, Rib Type:  1/4 Rib with express sights (1 standing and 3 folding), Receiver Finish: Casehardened, Engraving Type: Unusual basketweave style engraving, Other Options: Original Oak & Leather case including accessories, Silvers pad, Silver oval, Condition: Excellent, Weight: 14lb 10oz, Dimensions: 14 1/4 LOP, Other Details: Mfg 1886, spotless bores with sharp rifling. Price: $25,000

W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
W.W. GREENER O/U Hammer Express 12-bore rifle Cased in O&L Mfg 1886 Very rare and very nice condition
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