Love A.H. Fox shotguns? Then you’ll want to check out James D. Julia’s Fall 2017 sale.
It features the finest group of A.H .Fox shotguns to ever come up to auction. Here’s a bit about the collection from Julia’s regional Sales Agent Josh Loewensteiner:
“Fox lovers will likely never again have an opportunity like the one we will see in the Julia’s sales room this fall. The Tauber Collection is a landmark collection for lovers of Foxes and American Sporting Shotguns alike. Having known Dana since about 1990, I can say unequivocally it is the single finest grouping of A.H. Fox shotguns I have ever seen. Dana preferred quality over quantity and condition over any other factor. This collection represents a once in a lifetime opportunity to see and collect some of the very finest A.H. Fox guns extant. No doubt, in years to come, guns from the Tauber collection will carry a certain monetary premium because of their provenance. Indeed, they are some of the “finest” in the world.”
Estimate: $150,000-$225,000
SN 202194. Cal. 20 ga. 2-1/2″ Chambers. 28″ Bbls with narrow, matted rib, and special order ivory and copper Lyman bead, are hand engraved “CHROMOX FLUID STEEL” “MADE BY A. H. FOX GUN CO. PHILA. PA U.S.A.” on tops. Breech ends are engraved with classic “F” grade 3″ triangles of large scroll and acanthus bisected by gold inlaid lightning bolts. 3/16″ Bands of geometric engraving are around muzzles. Bbl flats are hand engraved with SN, grade, and stamped with Fox proof. Sides of flats, cocking slide, and breech ends of bbls are damascened. Bottoms of bbls are stamped with striking weight “3”. Small sized case hardened action with rebated and dbl ogee backed frame, features automatic safety (SAFE inlaid in gold), and dbl triggers. Water table is hand engraved with patent dates, SN, and grade.

Action is engraved with full coverage well done open shaded scroll with acanthus and floral highlights which surrounds unusual dbl vignettes of gold inlaid dogs; pointers on left side in mountainous backgrounds, and setters on right in open meadows. There are gold bands around fences and gold inlaid stars on hinge pin heads. “ANSLEY H. FOX” is in arched band above rear dog scenes. Bottom of action depicts ruffed grouse with four chicks in woodland scene within fancy border. Trigger plate is engraved with scroll, acanthus, and flowers to match remainder of action. In front of triggers engraver signature “W.H. Gough” noted in tiny print, an extreme rarity on a Fox. Trigger guard has more scroll flanking twin vignette of flying snipe. SN is in gold on tang.

Round knob pistol grip buttstock is of very finely marbled and lightly figured dense European walnut, and measures 14″ over leather faced Silver pad. Side panels have closely spaced checkering with attractive fleur-di-lis intrusions. Borderless checkering at grip is of fancy crenelated pattern shot through with ribbons and fleur-di-lis in typical “FE” style. A gold shield on toe line is engraved “Chester Snyder”. Typical high grade Fox extra long splinter forend with inset schnabeled horn tip, is checkered to match buttstock in fancy pattern with ribbons and fleur-di-lis. Interior of iron has wiggle and line border engraving, and standard roll stamped patent dates. Bore diameter: left -.623, right – .624. Bore restrictions: left – .032 (full), right – .018 (mod). Wall thickness: left – .022 (one very small area 6″ back from muzzle, mostly .026), right – .026. Drop at heel: 2-7/8″, drop at comb: 1-11/16″. Neutral cast. Weight: 6 lbs. 1 oz. LOP: 14″.
PROVENANCE: Callahan letter confirming specifications and specifying Chester Snyder as orig consignee, and with his name engraved on shield. Copy of build card for 202194 confirming specifications. Letter, discussing another SN, (202698) with comparisons to this item. Estate collection of Dana Tauber. Ex: Tom Kidd and Jack Puglisi Collections.
CONDITION: Excellent. Bbls retain essentially all of a very light sympathetic touch-up blue added to areas on sides of bbls over some evidence of light marks and wear. Damascening appears orig and is strong. Action retains most of its orig case hardening color, actual percentage difficult to ascertain because of extensive engraving, but most likely is in excess of 70%. Bottom of action (bird scene) is gray to light brown. Trigger guard retains most of its bright original blue on bow, silvering on tang. Stocks retain nearly all of their orig finish with numerous old marks and dings, and some rubs and thinning on toe line. Checkering is untouched, a bit dirty, with light wear. Pad appears to be orig, alligatored on sides, and flattened at heel. There is a slight 3/4″ grain check on left side panel running from center of bottom ogee back into checkering, which appears to have been repaired by factory at time of manufacture. Bores are excellent, bright and shiny throughout, with no visible imperfections. Action is tight. Ejectors are strong. One of the finest small bore Fox’s extant, factory records indicate a total of 6 “FE” 20’s made, only 3 in Philadelphia. The double dog treatment is very unusual with only one other FE Grade known engraved in this pattern which is offered elsewhere in this sale.