I’ve had an on-and-off love affair with Parkers. Over the last 20 years or so I’ve owned–and sold off–a bunch of them. But over that time, I’ve never seen one like this.
This 16 gauge, DH-grade’s combination of damascus-steel barrels, 0-size frame, modern stock dimensions and incredible wood make it very unusual.
Parker DH 16 Gauge SxS – “O” FRAME, 95% FACTORY COLOR GORGEOUS: $9,750
General Specs: Parker, Year 1906, 16 Gauge, 6lbs 2oz, Side-by-Side
Serial Number: 140136

Some guns are just special, and a Parker 16ga. on an “O” frame (20ga. frame) is just such a gun. More than a 1/2 pound lighter than a typical Parker 16ga, the “0” frame 16 is highly sought after by today’s upland hunter. They are not common, and to find one on the nicely decorated DH Grade format is a treat. This Parker DH, sn140136 made in 1906, is stunning with 99% factory damascus pattern, 95% factory case colors, perfect bores…no flaws anywhere. The serialization book shows it is configured just as it left the factory. They only made 458 damascus DH 16ga. guns. There can only be a handful on the highly desirable “O” frame. At 6lbs. 2oz. it is a delightful gun that will not wear you out by the end of the day. The wood on this Parker is incredible, with full flame and feather-crotch figure finished in a hand-rubbed oil finish, a 14 ¾” LOP to the factory skeleton butt plate, and modern

shooting dimensions (shown below) and perfect mechanics. This unusual combination of features makes it a very desirable Parker the likes of which you may never again see for sale, so don’t hesitate on “pulling the trigger” with this purchase. This little Parker will be a joy to carry afield or to your favorite clays course and we don’t expect it will be for sale for any length of time. This is the kind of Parker that will continue to gain value as you enjoy its use with its high factory original condition, very rare configuration on the “O” frame, low production numbers, awesome stock dimensions, and knock-out wood that is eye candy to all gun lovers! Thanks for looking at our fine guns.
Barrel Length: 26″
Chokes: .666/.668
Bores: 0/.029 Cyl/F
Bore Diameter: .021/.020
Wall Thickness: excellent

% Blue: 99% damascus
Chambers: 2 9/16″
Ribs: tight
Sights: double, ivory
Action: tight, right of center
Ejectors or Extractors: extractor
Case Color: 95% factory
Screws: excellent
Engraving: excellent
Trigger Type: double, crisp
Trigger Guard Color: mostly grey
Stock: capped pistol grip/splinter forend, incredible figure
LOP: 14 3/4″
LOP To End Of Wood: same

DAH: 2 3/8″
DAC: 1 7/16″
Cast: neutral
Checkering Condition: perfect
Butt Treatment: skeleton