Good gun alert: 16 gauge Winchester M21, 28″, double triggers…

Winchester Model 21 16 Gauge SxS, 28”, Double Triggers, Ejectors
Winchester Model 21 16 Gauge SxS, 28”, Double Triggers, Ejectors

When I first saw  this side-by-side I though “Holy Sh!t”. While sixteen gauge Winchester Model Twenty Ones aren’t hard to find, ones with 28″ barrels, double triggers AND ejectors are rarer than Irish men named Ari.

Then I saw the gun’s wart: A buttstock with 3 5/8″ of drop in it. Whoever ordered it must have been built like a giraffe –or Twitter’s Jack Dorsey.
If you’ve always wanted a M21 set up like this and can deal with all the drop (or you don’t mind restocking it), go for it. If not, you can wait for the next one to pop up. But be forewarned: You’ll wait a L-O-N-G time.
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