Bargain bird gun: 12g Mortimer & Sons boxlock…

Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28" w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28″ w/ Ejectors

If I had to pick one shotgun for all my shooting,  it be a British 12 gauge. And if I wanted to get a great deal, it would be the British 12 gauge you see here.

This boxlock is built an Anson & Deeley action, a solid, time-tested design. The maker — Mortimer  — was one of Britain’s older gunmakers. Founded in the 1750s, they merged with John Dickson & Sons in 1938. Judging by the proof marks on this double, it was built between 1925 and 1938. It doesn’t appear to have been used much since then.

Event though its weight isn’t noted, I bet it comes in at 6 1/2 – 6 3/4 lbs, and the stock is probably 14 1/4″ inches long with 2 1/8″ drop at the heel. If the barrels are sound, tight and on the face, and everything else is in order, it’s a great deal (and with a little haggling, I get you could talk the price down to super-fantastic deal).

Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28″ w/ EjectorsGun remains in very good condition; boxlock ejector gun with 2 1/2″ chambers Nitro Proof for 1 1/8 oz, English grip and splinter forend. Price: $2,500

Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28" w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28″ w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28" w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28″ w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28" w/ Ejectors
Mortimer & Sons Boxlock SxS 12ga 28″ w/ Ejectors
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