Good gun alert: 20 gauge Beretta Silver Hawk SxS …

1960 - Beretta Model 409 - Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun
1960 – Beretta Model 409 – Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun

Beretta is famous for its OUs. But they’ve also made a lot of nice side-by-sides.

Here’s a nice, lightweight, no-frills one that’s perfect for grouse, woodcock, and quail. It has a few issues, but nothing you can’t fix (or just live with).
1960 – Beretta Model 409 – Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun: 20ga, 2-3/4″, 28″ IM / F, Raised Solid Rib with Rib Extension Third Bite, Single Non-Selective Trigger, Extractors, Hand Engraved, LOP 14-1/8″, Drop 1-5/8″ to 2-1/2″, Weight 5 lbs. 15 oz. Price: $1575

Condition: Mechanically the gun is Excellent. The barrels have a few freckles. The stock has a crack on the left side. This is typical on these guns because of the sharp corner at the back of the frame. The stock is a through bolt stock, so it has no affect on the strength of the stock. Overall, a very nice little gun with the longer barrels that everyone seems to want these days.

1960 - Beretta Model 409 - Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun
1960 – Beretta Model 409 – Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun
1960 - Beretta Model 409 - Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun
1960 – Beretta Model 409 – Silver Hawk SxS Shotgun
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