Good gun alert: 20 gauge Ithaca Flues 4E, 28″ bbls…

ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28" bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28″ bbls

The Ithaca Flues is one of my favorite American doubles. While these SxSs aren’t as highly regarded as Foxes or Parkers, there’s something about them that appeals to me. Judging by the success of the model, there was something about them that appealed to other people, too.

The Ithaca Flues was one of the most popular SxSs ever made in America. Available from 1908 to 1925, around 223,000 of these shotguns were built. An American gunsmith named Emil Flues came up with  the design and Ithaca turned it into a simple, reliable double available at a pricel below other quality shotguns available at the time. Obviously, people thought they were a good deal.

Ithaca’s Flues came in five grades: 1, 2, 4, 6 & 7, The one you see here is a Grade 4 with ejectors (the “E” in 4E), and to my eye it features enough embellishment to be attactive without going over board looking pimped out

ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS20 ga double bbl. 28″ bbls with a solid matte rib choked modified and full. Good amount of orig blue finish on bbls. Slight wear at the muzzle. Case colored scroll engraved frame that has aged to a grey patina. Fleur-de-lis checkered pistol grip stock is in good condition. Typical handling mars. Rubber recoil pad. Price: $3,995

ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28" bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28″ bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28" bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28″ bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28" bbls
ITHACA GRADE 4E FLUES MODEL SxS 20 gauge, 28″ bbls
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