Latest Lexi: An update on my pointer…

Lexi last winter, before the snow
Lexi last winter, before the snow

It’s time to put some more “dog” in Dogs and Doubles. It has been while since I posted any updates on my pointer Lexi.

Here are pics and videos to catch you up on her.

Lexi was born on April 31, 2014. We’ve had her since July 3. We’ve been thrilled with her since day one. Right now, Lexi’s up in northern NH with Craig Doherty at Wild Apple Kennels.



A little lap time last February.
A little lap time last February.
Lexi doesn't like riding "in" her box.
Lexi doesn’t like riding “in” her box.

I shot this video last March.

And these are  from last weekend up at Wild Apple Kennels.

Lexi at Wild Apple Kennels
Lexi at Wild Apple Kennels
Lexi at Wild Apple Kennels
Lexi at Wild Apple Kennels
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