Browning’s Superposeds O/Us are one of America’s classic shotguns — even though they were made in Europe. From grouse in Pennsylvania to ducks in the Oregon, millions of birds have fallen to them, and millions of memorable days have ended with an proud owner oiling and admiring his prized Superposed.
While the Superposed was never really expensive shotgun (at least a Grade One), it was never cheap, either. In its day, owning one would have taken most people some patience and some saving. But it was available at a price within reach of many Americans (unlike O/Us by Boss, Woodward, and other British gunmakers).
Here’s more about this one from seller:
Belgian Browning 12ga Grade One Superposed: 28″ solid rib barrels choked modified(.015″) and full(.028″). Round knob,long tang gun made in 1951.98% finish remaining.Solid rib superposed guns are hard to find in this condition. Price: $2,195.00