Of all the London “Best” shotgun makers, nice doubles by James Woodward are some of the toughest guns to find. Woodward was in business from 1874 to 1948. In that time, the company made fewer than 4500 guns, and that includes double rifles, sidelock and boxlock side-by-sides of all grades, and the company’s famous Under & Overs.
So if this best-quality, sidelock Woodward is legit and original, it’s a tough side-by-side to find and maybe a great deal:
James Woodward & Sons, 12 Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun: 12-3/4″ 12 Guage Side by Side Shotgun. Best Quality AE Sidelock, Number 1 of 2. 28″ Cyl. & Mod. 1-1/8 ounce Nitro Proof. Pistol Grip, 14-1/2″ Lenght of Pull to Checkered Butt. 6 Pounds 8 ounces. 90% Case Color. In origonal Leather Case. Price: $17,700.00