3 reasons to attend this weekend’s Southern Side-by-Side …

2023 Southern SxS in Sanford, SC
2023 Southern SxS in Sanford, SC

It’s almost here — the best fine gun event of the year.  The 2023 Southern Side-by-Side Championship and Exhibition in Sanford, NC, starts Thursday, 4/27, and goes through Sunday, 4/30. Learn more at this Facebook page

Here are three reasons you need to go.

You’ll see hundreds of incredible guns

These days, the Southern is the best place to see fine sporting arms– side-by-sides, OUs, classic bolt actions, antique and new. British gunmakers like Atkin, Grant & Lang, Westley Richards, and John Dickson & Co will be there. So will dealers like Steve Barnett, Griffin & Howe, Connecticut Shotgun, and Robin Hollow. You can order something new or see the finest vintage stuff on the market today.

Lion Stone Consulting will have 100+ great doubles this year
Lion Stone Consulting will have 100+ great doubles at this year’s Southern SxS

Like last year, Lion Stone Consulting will have an incredible display of fine shotguns. This year will be the same I’m hoping to see this H&H Royal and this 20g L.C. Smith Crown Grade. Josh told me he’ll also have this super rare Winchester Grand Royal Model 21 with him  at the show.

Winchester Grand Royal Model 21 with full documentation. Lion Stone Consulting with have it at the Southern.
Winchester Grand Royal Model 21 with full documentation. Lion Stone Consulting with have it at the Southern.
Winchester Grand Royal Model 21 with full documentation. Lion Stone Consulting with have it at the Southern.
Winchester Grand Royal Model 21 with full documentation. Lion Stone Consulting with have it at the Southern.

You can also preview some guns from  Guyette & Deeter’s September Fine Sporting Arms Auction. I’ll be taking long looks at the 28g Parker BHE and this 12g James Purdey & Sons two-barrel set.

You can book the trip of a lifetime

Discover Delaney & Sons: European shooting specialists
Discover Delaney & Sons: British and European shooting specialists

Dream about shooting driven birds? Then you need visit Delaney & Sons stand and talk to Sean & Liz Delaney. Delaney & Sons hosts exclusively tailored shooting trips in Wales, Scotland, England, and Spain. These trips are first-class, great deals, and they check all the boxes for a bucket-list-level experience.

You can do lots of shooting

2023 Southern Side by Side Championship & Exhibition
2023 Southern Side by Side Championship & Exhibition

Thanks to the Southern’s host —  Deep River Sporting Clays and Shooting School –shooting is available each day. So when you get tired of just looking at doubles, you can take yours out on the course and put it to use.

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