From the 1860s to 1980s, twelve gauges ruled in my blog. They were the standard game gun and what most men shot. After the first World War, there was a movement in the UK toward lighter and lighter doubles, and 2″ 12gs like the one you see here were the result. These guns weigh 6lbs or less, but shill had the proportions and feel of a standard British game gun.

Today, these guns are ideal for upland hunting, especially over pointing dogs. These guns throw great patterns and they’re built to push 7/8-ounces of lead, enough to knock down quail, woodcock, and most grouse.

Charles Hellis was a well-respected London gunmaker, and this gun looks like it’s in great shape overall and very fairly priced. The seller is one of the most highly-respected dealers in the country, too.

Beautiful and ultra lightweight 12 bore Charles Hellis 2″ Chambered boxlock SxS game gun: Absolutely dandy lightweight 12bore 2″ game gun weighing in at just 5lbs 6oz! This petite case hardened box lock action with Anson pushbutton release splinter forend made with extractors, double triggers and straight hand buttstock. If you’ve never used a 2″ 12 bore cartridge before, you absolutely have to give it a try. It is a ball and this gun would be a joy to carry all day long and will knock down any game bird in North America! Price: $2995