20g Boss with 17″ barrels brings big $$$…

How much is a Boss 20 gauge, round-body with 17″ barrels worth? How about  $40,000! At least that is one brought a few weeks ago at Bonhams’ July 18th action.

20 gauge Boss #7788 with 17" barrels
20 gauge Boss #7788 with 17" barrels

Here’s its description from the catalog:

A fine and highly unusual 20-bore (3in) single-trigger assisted-opening round-bodied sidelock ejector gun by Boss & Co., no. 7788

This gun was one of a trio of 17″ Boss 20 gauges made for beer magnate A.E. Guinness. Round body, Boss twenty gauge side-by-sides are pretty rare, especially with original 3″ chambers. I bet the made fewer than 10.

I have no idea why A.E. Guinness. wanted such short barrels. You have to wonder how they handle. Mr Guiness must have used them for driven game. I can’t think of any other reason for ordering a trio.

The description in Bonham’s catalog does say that the stock was originally about 13 3/4″ inches long. Perhaps Mr Guiness was a small man? Or maybe he was tipsy on the family’s product when he placed the order?

The rest of the sale seemed pretty soft, with a lot of guns not selling. You can see the entire catalog online here.

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