These Purdeys came up at Julia’s a sale or two ago. Here’s the condition report on them:
CONDITION: Excellent, as completely refinished and refurbished. Bbls retain essentially all of a good London quality re-black, engraving slightly softened. Actions retain nearly all of a re-color over considerable scattered light marks and frosting, engraving somewhat washed. Buttstocks retain essentially all of a fine hand rubbed oil finish with some light marks and scratches as furnished by Master Craftsman, David Trevallion. Forend wood is original, checkering re-cut. Bores are excellent. Actions are tight. Bbls are on face. Ejectors are in time. Screw slots show some use. Case leather is fine with numerous marks and dents. Straps and handle are good. Renewed interior cloth is excellent, as is label. Accessories are fine.